


使用--with-native-compilation=aot 打开即时编译

$ ./autogen.sh
$ ./configure --with-native-compilation=aot --with-x-toolkit=no -without-x --with-gnutls=no
$ make -j8

执行./configure --with-native-compilation=aot出现警告

configure: error: ELisp native compiler was requested, but libgccjit was not found.
Please try installing libgccjit or a similar package.
If you are sure you want Emacs be compiled without ELisp native compiler,
pass the --without-native-compilation option to configure.

brew install libgccjit即可

如果安装libgccjit出错 可能需要安装前置包brew install isl, brew install mpfr


configure: error: The installed libgccjit failed to compile and run a test program using
the libgccjit library; see config.log for the details of the failure.
The test program can be found here:
You can try compiling it yourself to investigate the issues.
Please report the issue to your distribution if libgccjit was installed
through that.
You can find the instructions on how to compile and install libgccjit from
source on this site:

重新安装gccbrew install gcc


如果make没报错, 那么执行make install prefix=/path/to/your/directory即可